2023年第1周 (01-02 ~ 01-08)

闲言:输出AI相关资讯的周刊,这是今年立的 Flag 之一。


🔗原文 (2023-01-04)

1/Several leaders share their hopes for AI in 2023, including finding key missing pieces that will enable algorithms to reason, building a personal data timeline, improving AI processes, discovering new principles for explainability, and using generative AI for active learning.


2/Yoshua Bengio wants to develop new architectures that can discover and reason with high-level concepts, rather than just brute force the learning process by scaling up existing models’ data and compute. https://t.co/NsEdODxXbY

2/Yoshua Bengio希望开发新的架构,能够发现和推理高层次的概念,而不是仅仅通过扩大现有模型的数据和计算量来强行推进学习过程。

3/Alon Halevy envisions AI capturing massive amounts of data from your daily life – photos, browsing, purchases – and fusing it into a personal timeline that helps you track and achieve your goals, while preserving privacy. https://t.co/7vv92YtlyU

3/Alon Halevy设想人工智能从你的日常生活中获取大量数据–照片、浏览、购买–并将其融合到个人时间轴中,帮助你跟踪和实现你的目标,同时保护隐私。

4/Douwe Kiela points out key directions: Multimodality, grounding, and interaction so AI understands us better; alignment, attribution, and uncertainty to make models safer; data-centric AI to improve scaling; and better ways to evaluate AI models. https://t.co/rkha650LrN

4/Douwe Kiela指出了关键方向。多模态、接地气和互动,以便人工智能更好地理解我们;对齐、归属和不确定性,使模型更安全;以数据为中心的人工智能,以提高扩展性;以及更好的方法来评估人工智能模型。

5/Been Kim discusses AI explainability. AI has taken an engineering-centric approach, where researchers devise techniques via trial and error, and she urges developing fundamental scientific principles that make explanations more trustworthy and accurate. https://t.co/4x91WS03TG

5/Been Kim讨论了AI的可解释性。人工智能已经采取了以工程为中心的方法,研究人员通过试验和错误来设计技术,她敦促发展基本的科学原则,使解释更值得信赖和准确。

6/Reza Zadeh sees generative AI bringing progress to active learning, where a system picks its own examples to be labeled to improve the data. With generative AI, he sees a potential revolution in algorithms generating new data to request to be labeled. https://t.co/qQvvl76fZc

6/Reza Zadeh认为生成式人工智能为主动学习带来了进步,在主动学习中,系统会挑选自己的例子进行标注,以改善数据。有了生成式人工智能,他认为在生成新的数据以要求被标记的算法方面可能会有一场革命。

有人训练 StableDiffusion 生成“汉字”

🔗原文 (2023-01-06)




🔗原文 (2023-01-06)

作者预估随着GPT-4将克服一些“理解上”的缺陷并可以访问互联网之后,将有望实现真正的数字化个人助理(Ditial Personal Asistant) ,最困难的部分已经完成。DPAs会成为最强用户接口(UI),并随着成本和能力的优化,将不可避免地会被大多数人整合到日常生活中。一旦有10亿人使用它们,就好像世界上多了10亿个人,但不需要消耗粮食。